Hello Bloggers, ✋ In this article We will explain about, "How to add an HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger Website | Required Widget in Blogger for Adsense Approval".
Nowadays blogging is spreading worldwide. Millions of blogs are written every day on Google by lots of bloggers, and the motive of blogging is clear for everyone which is to earn money digitally as a passive income.
We all know that most of the bloggers are earning from Google AdSense but most of the bloggers are still trying or waiting for approval from Google AdSense. but there are many requirements like minimum articles on the blog, templates which support AdSense, different pages, and many more before they approve your AdSense request. In this article, "How to add an HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger Website | Required Widget in Blogger for Adsense Approval" where we are explaining one of the above-mentioned requirements of Google Adsense, which is mandatory to add to your blogger website for easy and fast approval from Google AdSense.
What is Sitemap?
As the name suggested, Sitemap is a map of your site or we can say a blueprint of your website. there are two important types of sitemap which are XML Sitemap and HTML Sitemap. In this article, we are focusing on HTML Sitemap.
HTML Sitemap is used in your website and it automatically syncs your all posted and upcoming posts on one page. you can see our sitemap by clicking here.
Why adding an HTML Sitemap is Required for bloggers?
Actually, Google Adsense looks for valuable and unique content, security of your viewers & a user-friendly environment on your blogger website while checking your website for approval. Sitemap really makes our website user-friendly. because your readers can look at all the posts of your website on one page also can be redirected to post which they want to read in a single click. Also, Sitemap help google crawling bot in crawling a website fast and easy, so it can help to make your website visible over the google search engine. That's why Google made it mandatory to add an HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger Website.
How to add an HTML Sitemap Page in Blogger Website?
Step 1: First, log in to your Blogger account by clicking here
Step 2: After login into your Blogger account look for the Pages tab in your blogger account.
Step 3: Now click on the New page tab.
Step 4: Now Give your page name as Sitemap, then change the view of your page editor to HTML View from the composer view, and then clear everything from here.
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<br />
<div class="tabbed-toc" id="tabbed-toc">
<span class="loading">Loading Sitemap…</span></div>
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numChars: 200, // Number of summary chars
showThumbnails: false, // `true` to show the posts thumbnails (Not recommended)
thumbSize: 40, // Thumbnail size
monthNames: [ // Array of month names
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showNew: 7, // `false` to hide the "New!" mark in most recent posts, or define how many recent posts are to be marked
newText: ' – <em style="color:red;">New!</em>' // HTML for the "New!" text
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