80 Unique and Interesting Facts about New York City | Important Points to know about New York City NYC

Dear Readers, New York is a developed city in America, so let us tell you that this thing is wrong because New York is a state and the city under New York state is New York City which is considered to be the most developed city. This city is the largest city in the state of New York. Today we are here to show you "80 Unique and Interesting Facts about New York City" which are very Important Points to know about New York City.

80 Unique and Interesting Facts about New York City

New York has a population of 8.42 million people and an area of ​​783.8 square kilometers. New York has a great influence on world trade, entertainment, and fashion, and this has made New York one of the largest metropolises in the world. Today we will tell you interesting facts about New York City. So without wasting your time let's start our discussion.

80 Unique and Interesting Facts about New York City: 

    1. New York City residents can get free condoms and lube by calling 311.
    2. 37% of all pregnancies in New York City end in miscarriage.
    3. Manhattan word came from Lenape language word which means "island of many hills".
    4. On the very first day, 823 same-sex couples were married in New York City, same-sex marriage was deemed legally widespread.
    5. Wall Street was named after a 12-foot wall built by 17th-century citizens of New Amsterdam to discourage pirate attacks.
    6. The city of "New Amsterdam" was given to the Duke of York in 1664 as part of his father's 18th birthday. He named the city "New York".
    7. About 300,000 pedestrians, pass through Times Square every day which is almost equal to the population of Iceland.
    8. New York receives 15 times more ice than the South Pole.
    9. There are approximately 1,600 pizza restaurants in New York City.
    10. Around New York's Central Park, the right to operate a hot dog stand can cost approximately US$300,000 per year.
    11. New Yorkers drink approx 7 times more coffee than other cities within the US.
    12. As many as 15,152 types of life forms, ranging from insects to bacteria, have been identified in the New York Metro.
    13. The average one-bedroom rent in Manhattan, New York is $3,400.
    14. Vanderbilt Tennis Club is hidden inside Grand Central Station in New York.
    15. Ancient Rome was eight times more densely populated than modern New York.
    16. Central Park was officially home to 25 residents in the 2010 New York City Census.
    17. On average, New Yorkers save between $1,160 and $13,926 per year by relying on public transportation.
    18. In 2002, the Comptroller of New York City estimated the impact of 9/11 on the city's wealth at US$30.5 billion.
    19. Mother Teresa opened a hospice in New York for AIDS victims Already in 1985.
    20. Less than 5% of the artists in the Modern Art section of NYC's Metropolitan Museum are women, but 85% of the artists are women.
    21. In Manhattan, the farthest apartment from a subway station is just 0.8 miles (1.2 km).
    22. More people commit suicide than murder in New York City.
    23. Approx 25,000 transgender in the Year 2016 staying in New York City which makes New York City the home to the largest transgender population in the US.
    24. The underwater portion of Liberty Island, where the Statue of Liberty sits, is part of New Jersey, not New York.
    25. If New York City was its country and the NYPD was its army, it would be the 20 most funded military in the world.
    26. Next to Warsaw, New York has the largest Polish population in the world.
    27. Studies show that spending just a few minutes in the noisy New York City subway system every day can eventually lead to hearing loss.
    28. More money was spent to buy Central Parkland than Alaska.
    29. Hoverboards have been illegal in New York City since 2015.
    30. Sheep grazed in Central Park until 1934 when they were taken away during the Great Depression because of fear.
    31. New York City's Subway serves 6 million riders per day.
    32. Manhattan's population density is much lower today than it was 100 years ago, and the overall population has declined by about 25%.
    33. World-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma once left his 266-year-old cello in the back of an NYC taxi that was worth $2.5 million. She was returned in time for the evening concert.
    34. Manhattan Island was purchased from American Indians in 1626 for about US$1,000 in modern currency.
    35. There are four times as many abandoned homes as there are homeless people in New York City.
    36. New York City's Grand Central departure boards are exactly one minute wrong.
    37. Honking your car horn is illegal in NYC except in an emergency.
    38. 40% of buildings in Manhattan could not be built today. They do not conform to at least part of the current zoning code.
    39. In 1789, New York City became America's first national capital for a year.
    40. No more than 40 people live 800 feet (243 m) above the ground in New York City. This is a special privilege for the super-rich.
    41. The Waldorf Astoria Hotel has a record on its name that it once own a private rail track in Grand Central so that its guests could enter and exit the new city.
    42. Together, the top 12 richest people in the world can afford all of Manhattan.
    43. November 27, 2012, was the most peaceful day when there was not a single violent crime in New York City.
    44. Manhattan has 1.6 million people and 1.2 billion ants.
    45. Starting in 2015, all New York residents must recycle their old electronics such as PCs and TVs, or face a US$100 fine.
    46. New York City has a skyscraper that doesn't have windows.
    47. The Empire State Building in New York City is struck by lightning about 23 times per annum.
    48. Texas, New York, and California all have larger economies than Russia.
    49. The first underground park in the world was inaugurated in 2018 in New York City.
    50. The average woman in New York spends 19 minutes primping and 7 minutes deciding what to wear each day.
    51. If you ever get lost in Central Park, each of the 1,600 lampposts around the field has a special code to help you map.
    52. Buried three feet beneath Flushing Meadows Park in Queens, NYC is a luxury bomb shelter.
    53. It will take at least 21 hours and 49 minutes to travel each stop (without leaving the transit system) on the New York City subway.
    54. New York nightlife is a US$10 billion per year industry.
    55. Less than 10% of Manhattan buildings are actually don't have the number 13th floor label which are truly having more than 13 floors.
    56. New York City banned Pinball until 1976.
    57. NYC keeps train tracks free of ice by setting them on fire.
    58. New Yorkers bite 10 times more people than sharks worldwide.
    59. In 2014, New Yorkers spent 74 hours of their lives in traffic jams.
    60. New York is the only most linguistically diverse city all over the world which is having around 800 languages.
    61. If Manhattan had the same population density as Alaska, only 28 people would live on the island.
    62. 2014 research found that New York is the smallest city in the US.
    63. New York is only having 12% of adults organ donors whereas, In Alaska, more than 80% of adults are registered as organ donors.
    64. Each of New York City's 279 subway stations has free WiFi.
    65. Albert Einstein's eyes lie in a safe box in NYC.
    66. It is not illegal to go topless in NYC.
    67. 37% of New Yorkers were born in another country.
    68. A tree can be planted outside of houses for free if NYC homeowners made a request for it. 
    69. The Empire State Building generates more revenue from observation decks compare to other tenants of its 101 Floors.
    70. Central Park costs as much money as the state of Alaska.
    71. In New York City, UPS trucks get around 15,000 parking tickets within a month.
    72. New York City has a population of more than 39 of the 50 US states at 8.4 million (2013).
    73. Brazilian wax was invented in New York.
    74. The most common bodily injury diagnosis in New York is a "knee injury."
    75. 23% increased the cost of living in NYC in just five years from 2009 to 2014.
    76. Drivers in NYC spend approx $2,243 per driver in wasted time, fuel, and emissions and an average of 108 hours per annum searching for parking at NYC.
    77. There is an island known as the "Just Room Enough Island", which has enough space for a tree and a house.
    78. 21% of elementary students from all income levels of New York City are obese.
    79. New York City will pay a one-way plane ticket for any homeless person if they have a guarantee of living elsewhere.
    80. Tokyo is the city with the most millionaires in the world but London has the most millionaires and New York has the most billionaires.
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